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Analyzes available and emerging technologies in the field of in-line pipeline inspection tools and reviews their status with respect to characteristics, performance, range of application, and limitations. It is intended as a practical reference for both new and experienced users of ILI technology. Assists in the provision of an understanding of the practical aspects of using the tools, highlighting the implications, and helping assess the benefits.

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Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 670 KB
This product is unavailable in Russia, Belarus

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The purpose of this technical committee report is to analyzeavailable and emerging technologies in the field of in-linepipeline inspection tools and review their status with respectto characteristics, performance, range of application,and limitations. It is intended as a practical referencefor both new and experienced users of ILI technology.It is aimed at assisting in the provision of an understandingof the practical aspects of using the tools, highlighting theimplications, and helping assess the benefits.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 220 KB
This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus