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Applies to connectors intended primarily for use on telecommunication and allied electronic equipment, prescribes mandatory requirements relating to terminology and definitions, test procedures, inspection procedures and general data. Also gives general rules for the preparation of detail specifications.

Cross References:
BS 308
BS 410
BS 646
BS 969
BS 2011
BS 2045
BS 3763
BS 3939
BS 4727
BS 5310
BS 5775
BS 6001
BS 9000
BS 9521
3G 100
G 178
G 192
G 195
G 199
G 202
G 210
G 212
SP 20
IEC 130-1
IEC 352

Replaces BS 9520:1974.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 2.2 MB
Product Code(s):
00145364, 00145364, 00145364