Packaged, Skid-Mounted Process Refrigeration Systemsstandard by Process Industry Practices, 01/01/2002
Packaged, Skid-Mounted Process Refrigeration Systemsstandard by Process Industry Practices, 01/01/2002
Electronic Entry Data Sheets for Application of ASME B73.2 - 2003-R2008 Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical ProcessData Sheet by Process Industry Practices, 04/01/2015
Electronic Entry Data Sheets (EEDS) for Application of ASME B73.2 - 2003-R2008 Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical ProcessData Sheet by Process Industry Practices, 04/01/2015
Specification for High Power Vertical Submerged Motor Centrifugal Pumps for Water Service standard by Process Industry Practices, 12/01/2010
Design and Fabrication of Bulk Solids Product Containers standard by Process Industry Practices, 05/01/2017
Vessels/S&T Heat Exchangers Insulation Supports Detailsstandard by Process Industry Practices, 06/01/2001
Guidelines for Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates for Centrifugal Pumps standard by Process Industry Practices, 10/01/2015
Benchmarking of Reliability Indicators for Rotating Machinery standard by Process Industry Practices, 06/01/2016
Electronic Entry Data Sheet for Manufacturing of Agitatorsstandard by Process Industry Practices, 04/01/2006
Fiberglass Tank and Vessel Selection, Design and Fabrication Specification ASME RTP-1 and Section Xstandard by Process Industry Practices, 11/01/2000