ISA 72.02-1993
Manufacturing Message Specification : Companion Standard for Process Control S72.02standard by The International Society of Automation, 04/01/1993
Manufacturing Message Specification : Companion Standard for Process Control S72.02standard by The International Society of Automation, 04/01/1993
Electrical Apparatus for Use in Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations - General Requirementsstandard by The International Society of Automation, 09/20/2006
SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MEASUREMENT, CONTROL, AND LABORATORY USE - Part 2-030: Particular requirements for testing and measuring circuitsstandard by The International Society of Automation, 05/11/2012
Enterprise-Control System Integration-Part 7: Alias Service Modelstandard by The International Society of Automation, 09/28/2017
Guidance on the Evaluation of Fire and Gas System Effectivenessstandard by The International Society of Automation, 01/15/2010
Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept (FISCO) and Fieldbus Non-Incendive Concept (FNICO)standard by The International Society of Automation, 09/20/2006
Security Technologies for Manufacturing and Control Systemsstandard by The International Society of Automation, 10/29/2007
Explosive Atmospheres - Part 7: Equipment Protection by Increased Safety "E"standard by The International Society of Automation, 10/15/2008
Batch Control Part 1: Models and Terminologystandard by The International Society of Automation, 12/06/2010
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Verification of Safety Instrumented Functionsstandard by The International Society of Automation, 09/08/2015