Category: IEEE


IEEE P802.3cr

IEEE Draft Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Maintenance #14: IsolationAmendment by IEEE,

IEEE 11073-10406-2011

Health informatics--Personal health device communication Part 10406: Device specialization--Basic electrocardiograph (ECG) (1- to 3-lead ECG)standard by IEEE, 11/30/2011

IEEE 1647-2011

IEEE Standard for the Functional Verification Language estandard by IEEE, 08/26/2011

IEEE 1327.2-1993

IEEE Standard for Information Technology--Directory Services C Language Interfaces--Binding for Application Program Interface (API)standard by IEEE, 02/02/1994

IEEE 337-1972

IEEE Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Linear, Single-Axis, Pendulous, Analog Torque Balance Accelerometerstandard by IEEE, 11/10/1972

IEEE 1348-1995

IEEE Recommended Practice for the Adoption of Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Toolsstandard by IEEE, 04/10/1996

IEEE 1142-2009

IEEE Guide for the Selection, Testing, Application, and Installation of Cables having Radial-Moisture Barriers and/or Longitudinal Water Blockingstandard by IEEE, 03/26/2010

IEEE 11073-10419-2015

IEEE Health informatics- Personal health device communication- Part 10419: Device Specialization- Insulin Pumpstandard by IEEE, 04/10/2015

IEEE 1658-2011

IEEE Standard for Terminology and Test Methods of Digital-to-Analog Converter Devicesstandard by IEEE, 02/10/2012