EEMUA Publication 218
Quality Requirements for the Manufacture and Supply of Duplex Stainless Steels, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/2010
Quality Requirements for the Manufacture and Supply of Duplex Stainless Steels, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/2010
Specification for the Fabrication of Non-primary Structural Steelwork for Offshore Installations, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/1999
Construction Specification for Fixed Offshore Structures in the North Sea, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 05/01/2014
Guide to the Isolation of Pressure Relieving Devicesstandard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/2019
Process Plant Control Desks Utilising Human-Computerstandard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 07/01/2019
Above ground plastic tanks: A guide to their specification, installation, commissioning, inspection, maintenance, repair and disposalstandard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 10/01/2017
Guide to the Isolation of Pressure Relieving Devices, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/2009
Guide to the Production Testing of Valves for the Energy, Process and Related Industries, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 06/01/2008
Safe and Effective Operation of Storage Tanks for Oil, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 06/01/2011
Guide for the Design, Construction and Use of Mounded Horizontal Cylindrical Vessels for Pressurised Storage of LPG at Ambient Temperature, Revised 2015standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, 01/01/2000