Category: CLSI



Analysis of Body Fluids in Clinical Chemistry; Approved Guideline, C49AEstandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/01/2007

CLSI M02-A12, M07-A10, M100-S27 Package

Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests; Approved Standard -Twelfth Edition / Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria That Grow Aerobically; Approved Standard -Tenth Edition / Performance Standards…

CLSI H43-A2 (R2018)

Clinical Flow Cytometric Analysis of Neoplastic Hematolymphoid Cells; Approved Guideline, Second Edition, A43-A2standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/01/2007

CLSI GP39-A6 (R2018)

Tubes and Addititives for Venous Blood Specimen Collection; Approved Standard--Sixth Edition, GP39A6Estandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 12/01/2010

CLSI M100-S27

Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing - Twenty-Seventh Informational Supplement, M100S27Estandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2017


Protocol for the Evaluation, Validation, and Implementation of Coagulometers; Approved Guideline, H57-Astandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2008

CLSI QMS02-A6 (R2018)

Quality Management System: Development and Management of Laboratory Documents; Approved Guideline-Sixth Edition, QMS02A6Estandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 02/28/2013

CLSI M52 (R2020)

Verification of Commercial Microbial Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Systems, M52Ed1Estandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/01/2015


Customer Focus in a Quality Management System, 1st Edition, QMS19Ed1Estandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 09/01/2017


Newborn Screening for Preterm, Low Birth Weight, and Sick Newborns, 2nd Edition, NBS03Ed2Estandard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/07/2019