Category: BS


BS PD ISO/TS 21219-24:2017

Intelligent transport systems. Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2). Light encryption (TPEG2-LTE)standard by BSI Group, 02/28/2017

BS PD ISO/TS 16782:2016

Clinical laboratory testing. Criteria for acceptable lots of dehydrated Mueller-Hinton agar and broth for antimicrobial susceptibility testingstandard by BSI Group, 11/30/2016

BS PD ISO/TS 19392-3:2018

Paints and varnishes. Coating systems for wind-turbine rotor blades. Determination and evaluation of resistance to rain erosion using water jetstandard by BSI Group, 05/10/2018

BS QC 222400:1997

Radio-frequency connectors. RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 5,6 mm (0,22 in). Characteristic impedance 75 ohms (type 1,6/5,6). Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (type 1,8/5,6) with similar mating…

BS PD ISO/TS 15830-5:2017

Road vehicles. Design and performance specifications for the WorldSID 50th percentile male side-impact dummy. Dummy design updatesstandard by BSI Group, 07/28/2017

BS X 37:2004

Intumescent paint for aerospace purposes. Specificationstandard by BSI Group, 05/27/2004

BS PD ISO/TS 13725:2016

Hydraulic fluid power. Method for evaluating the buckling load of a hydraulic cylinderstandard by BSI Group, 06/30/2016

BS PD ISO/TS 35105:2018

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Arctic operations. Material requirements for arctic operationsstandard by BSI Group, 04/26/2018

BS PD ISO/TS 18506:2014

Procedure to construct injury risk curves for the evaluation of road user protection in crash testsstandard by BSI Group, 09/30/2014