Category: AWS


AWS B2.1-1-018:1994

Standard Welding Procedure Specification for Self-Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/P-1/S-1, Group 1 or 2), 1/8 through 1-1/2 inch Thick, E71T-8, As Welded Conditionstandard by American Welding…

AWS B2.1-1-204:1996 (R2007)

Standard WPS for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/P-1/S-1, Group 1 or 2), 1/8 through 3/4" Thick, E6010 (Vertical Downhill Root with the Balance Vertical Uphill), As-Welded Condition,…

AWS B2.1-8-023:1994 (R2005)

Standard Welding Procedure Specification for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel (M-8/P-8/S-8, Group 1), 1/8 through 1-1/2 inch Thick, As-Welded Conditionstandard by American Welding Society, 04/15/2003

AWS B2.1-1-004:2002 (R2013)

Standard Welding Procedure Specification (Swps) for Gas Metal Arc Welding (Short Circuiting Transfer Mode) of Carbon Steel (M-1, Group 1), 18 through 10 Gauge, in the As-Welded Condition, with or…


Welding Metallurgy, 4th Ed. Vol.1: FundamentalsHandbook / Manual / Guide by American Welding Society, 01/01/1994

AWS B2.1-1-315:2018

Standard Welding Procedure Specification for Naval Applications (SWPS-N) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding with Consumable Insert Root of Carbon Steel (S-1), 1/8 inch through 1-1/2 inch Thick, MIL-MS-1 and MIL-70S-2,…

AWS B2.1-1-021:2018

Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Followed by Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/P-1/S-1, Group 1 or 2), 1/8 through 1-1/2 inch Thick, ER70S2…


AWS WHB-ALL WELDING HANDBOOK SETHandbook / Manual / Guide by American Welding Society,