AWS D17.3/D17.3M:2021
Specification for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys for Aerospace Applicationsstandard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2021
Specification for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloys for Aerospace Applicationsstandard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2021
Recommended Practices for Local Heating of Welds in Piping and Tubingstandard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2021
Bridge Welding Code (Joint Publication with AASHTO)standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2020
Standard Welding Terms and Definitions - Including Terms for Adhesive Bonding, Brazing, Soldering, Thermal Cutting, and Thermal Sprayingstandard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2020
Standard WPS for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/P-1/S-1, Group 1 or 2), 1/8 through 1 1/2" Thick, E6010 (Vertical Uphill), Followed by E7018 (Vertical Uphill), As-Welded or…
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding With Consumable Insert Root Followed by Shieded Metal Arc Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel (M-8/P-8/S-8, Group 1), 1/8 through 1-1/2 inch Thick, IN3XX and ER3XX, As-Welded…
Materials and Applications - Part 2 Welding Handbook, 8th Ed., Vol. 4Handbook / Manual / Guide by American Welding Society, 01/01/1998
Recommended Practices for Electron Beam Welding and Allied Processesstandard by American Welding Society, 02/05/2013
Specification for Fabrication of Metal Components using Additive Manufacturingstandard by American Welding Society, 2018