Paint and Coating Testing Manual: 15th Edition of the Gardner-Sward HandbookHandbook / Manual / Guide by ASTM International, 01/01/2012
Paint and Coating Testing Manual: 15th Edition of the Gardner-Sward HandbookHandbook / Manual / Guide by ASTM International, 01/01/2012
ASTM Book of Standards - Volume 05.04: Petroleum Products, Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants (IV): D6973-D7755standard by ASTM International, 03/01/2019
ASTM Book of Standards Volume 11.06: Environmental: Biological Effects and Environmental Fate; Industrial Biotechnologystandard by ASTM International, 08/01/2017
ASTM Book of Standards Volume 15.03: Space Simulation, Aerospace and Aircraft, Composite Materialsstandard by ASTM International, 10/01/2017
ASTM Book of Standards Volume 11.02: Water and Environmental Technology: Water (II)standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2018
ASTM Book of Standards Volume 4.09: Construction: Soil and Rock (II): D5878-lateststandard by ASTM International, 04/01/2017
ASTM Volume 4.05: Construction: Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials; Vitrified Clay Pipe; Concrete Pipe; Fiber-Reinforced Cement Products; Mortars and Grouts; Masonry; Precast Concretestandard by ASTM International, 06/01/2018
ASTM Book of Standards Volume 11.03 Occupational Health and Safety; Protective Clothingstandard by ASTM International, 10/01/2018
ASTM Book of Standards Volume 11.05 Environmental Assessment, Risk Management and Corrective Actionstandard by ASTM International, 08/01/2018
Fuel and Fuel System Microbiology: Fundamentals, Diagnosis, and Contamination ControlHandbook / Manual / Guide by ASTM International, 01/01/2003