Category: ASD-STAN-prEN


ASD-STAN prEN 4165-025

Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular - Operating temperature 175 deg C continuous - Part 025: Module receptacle - Product NormData Sheet by ASD-STAN Standardization, 04/30/2010

ASD-STAN prEN 4400-3

Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical Specification - Part 3: Bar and sectionData Sheet by ASD-STAN Standardization, 10/31/2001

ASD-STAN prEN 4362-6

Aerospace series-Weldability and brazeability of materials in aerospace constructions-Part 006: Homogeneous assemblies of titanium alloysData Sheet by ASD-STAN Standardization, 07/01/2011

ASD-STAN prEN 3988

Test methods for metallic materials - Constant amplitude strain-controlled low cycle fatigue testingData Sheet by ASD-STAN Standardization, 04/30/1998

ASD-STAN prEN 3874

Test methods for metallic materials - Constant amplitude force-controlled low cycle fatigue testingData Sheet by ASD-STAN Standardization, 04/30/1998

ASD-STAN prEN 4678

Aerospace series-Weldments and brazements for aerospace structures- Joints of metallic materials by laser beam welding- Quality of weldmentsData Sheet by ASD-STAN Standardization, 01/01/2010

ASD-STAN prEN 9300-003

Aerospace series - LOTAR - LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data - Part 003: Fundamentals and conceptsData Sheet by…