Category: AS


AS ISO 13491.2:2019

Financial services - Secure cryptographic devices (retail), Part 2: Security compliance checklists for devices used in financial transactionsstandard by Standards Australia, 03/12/2019

AS ISO 22559.2:2015

Safety requirements for lifts (elevators), Part 2: Safety parameters meeting the global essential safety requirements (GESRs)standard by Standards Australia, 12/21/2015

AS IEC 60300.3.1-2003

Dependability management - Application guide - Analysis techniques for dependability - Guide on methodologystandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2003

AS B52-1964

Flanges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittingsstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1964

AS ISO 32000.1:2017

Document management - Portable document format-Part 1: PDF 1.7standard by Standards Australia, 05/02/2017

AS ISO 9712:2014

Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnelstandard by Standards Australia, 11/06/2014

AS EN 12442.2-2003

Animal tissues and their derivatives utilized in the manufacture of medical devices, Part 2: Controls on sourcing, collection and handlingstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2003

AS ISO IEC 15444.2-2004

Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system - Extensionsstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004