Category: AS


AS 60947.7.3-2004

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Ancillary equipment - Safety requirements for fuse terminal blocksstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004

AS ISO IEC 14496.16-2004

Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004

AS ISO 9906:2018

Rotodynamic pumps Hydraulic performance acceptance tests Grades 1, 2 and 3standard by Standards Australia, 02/22/2018

AS 6183-2011

Fire protection equipment - Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems for use on premises - Design and installation (ISO 6183:2009, MOD)standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2011

AS 60422:2017

Mineral insulating oils in electrical equipment-Supervision and maintenance guidance (IEC 60422, Ed.4.0 (2013) MOD)standard by Standards Australia, 03/14/2017

AS 60311-1999

Electric irons for household or similar use - Methods for measuring performancestandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1999

AS ISO IEC 9075.11-2005

Information technology - Database languages - SQL - Information and Definition Schemas (SQL/Schemata)standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2005

AS IEC 60812-2008

Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2008

AS ISO IEC 9075.10-2005

Information technology - Database languages - SQL - Object Language Bindings (SQL/OLB)standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2005

AS ISO/IEC 27035.2:2017

Information technologySecurity techniquesInformation security incident management, Part 2: Guidelines to plan and prepare for incident responsestandard by Standards Australia, 05/11/2017