Category: AS


AS CA8.1-1965

Design and application of metal arc welding in steel buildingconstruction (Known as the SAA Code for welding in building) Part 1: Manual weldingstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1965

AS ISO IEC 21000.7-2005

Information technology - Multimedia framework (MPEG 21) - Digital item adaptationstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2005

AS ISO 16104-2007

Transport packaging for dangerous goods - Test methodsstandard by Standards Australia, 09/12/2007

AS 60947.4.2-2004

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Contactors and motor-starters - A.C. semiconductor motor controllers and startersstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004

AS IEC 61260.1:2019

Electroacoustics - Octaveband and fractionaloctaveband filters, Part 1: Specificationsstandard by Standards Australia, 05/02/2019

AS ISO 55002:2014

Asset management -- Management systems -- Guidelines for the application of AS ISO 55001standard by Standards Australia, 11/11/2014

AS EN 12079.1-2010

Offshore containers and associated lifting sets, Part 1: Offshore containers - Design, manufacture and marking (EN 12079-1:2006, MOD)standard by Standards Australia, 05/19/2010

AS C98-1970

Flameproof enclosure of electrical equipment for explosive atmospheresstandard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1970

AS C388-1968

Current transformers for measurement and protectionstandard by Standards Australia, 11/28/1968

AS IEC 61131.3:2014

Programmable controllers - Part 3: Programming languagesstandard by Standards Australia, 12/19/2014