Category: ANS


ANS 8.23-2019

Nuclear Criticality Accident Emergency Planning and Responsestandard by American Nuclear Society, 09/16/2019

ANS 58.3-1977

Physical Protection for Systems and Components Important to Safetystandard by American Nuclear Society, 03/17/1977

ANS 57.2-1983

Design Requirements for Light Water Reactor Spent Fuel Storage Facilities at Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1983

ANS RA-S-1.2-2014

Severe Accident Progression and Radiological Release (Level 2) PRA Standard for Nuclear Power Plant Applications for Light Water Reactors (LWRs) - ASME/ANS RA-S-1.2-2014 (Trial Use Standard)standard by American Nuclear Society,…

ANS 19.11-2017

Calculation and Measurement of the Moderator Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity for Water Moderated Power Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 04/11/2017

ANS 51.10-1979

Auxiliary Feedwater System for Pressurized Water Reactorsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 11/05/1979

ANS 15.11-2016

Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilitiesstandard by American Nuclear Society, 07/01/2016

ANS 54.1-2020

Nuclear Safety Criteria and Design Process for Sodium Fast Reactor Nuclear Power Plantsstandard by American Nuclear Society, 03/23/2020