AS/NZS ISO 19111:2019
Geographic information - Referencing by coordinatesstandard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 05/22/2019
AS/NZS ISO 8124.6:2011
Safety of toys - Part 6: Swings, slides and similar activity toys for indoor and outdoor family domestic usestandard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 10/19/2011
AWS B2.1-4-220:1999 (R2009)
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (Consumable Insert Root) of Chromium-Molybdenum Steel (M-4/P-4, Group 1 or 2), E8018-B2, 1/8 through 1/2 in. Thick, As-Welded Condition, 1/8 through 3/4 in. Thick, PWHT Condition,…
AWS D1.3/D1.3M:2018
Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel, Sixth Editionstandard by American Welding Society, 07/12/2017