AS/NZS ISO/IEC 15504.5-2006

Information technology - Process Assessment - An exemplar Process Assessment Modelstandard by Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand, 01/01/2006

IPC 7351

Generic Requirements for Surface Mount Land Pattern and Design Standard - INCLUDES LAND PATTERN VIEWER SOFTWAREstandard by Association Connecting Electronics Industries,

IPC 9194

Implementation of Statistical Process Control (SPC) Applied to Printed Board Assembly Manufacture Guidelinestandard by Association Connecting Electronics Industries, 09/01/2004


Guidelines for Cleaning of Printed Boards and AssembliesHandbook / Manual / Guide by Association Connecting Electronics Industries, 07/01/2011

IPC D-279

Design Guidelines for Reliable Surface Mount Technology Printed Board AssembliesHandbook / Manual / Guide by Association Connecting Electronics Industries, 08/01/1996


Selection and Application of Board Level Underfill Materialsstandard by Association Connecting Electronics Industries, 02/01/2014

IPC M-107

Standards for Printed Board Materials Manualstandard by Association Connecting Electronics Industries,

IPC TP-1115

Selection and Implementation Strategy for a Low-Residue, No-Clean Processstandard by Association Connecting Electronics Industries, 12/01/1998


Bare Board Electrical Test - VIDEOstandard by Association Connecting Electronics Industries, 04/01/1998

AWS B2.1-1-026:2018

Standard Welding Procedure Specification (SWPS) for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Carbon Steel (M-1/P-1, Group 1 or 2), 1/8 inch through 1-1/2 inch Thick, E6010 (Vertical Downhill) Followed by E7018,…